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How to get found in Bing Places for Business and ChatGPT

How to get found in Bing Places for Business and ChatGPT

In the digital age, having a strong online presence is crucial for businesses of all sizes. One of the most effective ways to boost your visibility is by leveraging search engine platforms like Bing. Bing Places for Business is a free service that allows businesses to...

Utilizing Google Business Profile to Boost Your Business

Utilizing Google Business Profile to Boost Your Business

In the modern digital landscape, having a strong online presence is essential for businesses looking to succeed and reach their target audience effectively. One powerful tool that can significantly impact your business is the Google Business Profile. In this blog...

Digital Marketing: More Than Just a Website

Digital Marketing: More Than Just a Website

In the digital age, businesses often think that creating a website is the end-all-be-all of their online presence. However, as highlighted in a recent video by Anthony J. Biondo Jr, CEO of Biondo Creative, this is far from the truth. Building a website is just part of...

Understanding Schema and Structured Data: A Quick Primer

Understanding Schema and Structured Data: A Quick Primer

In today's digital age, businesses must make their online presence as clear and comprehensive as possible. One way to achieve this is through structured data, also known as schema. This blog post will provide an overview of schema and structured data, how they can...

Unmasking Dark Patterns in UX: A Guide to Ethical Web Design

Unmasking Dark Patterns in UX: A Guide to Ethical Web Design

In the user experience (UX) world, a term has been gaining attention lately: dark patterns. These design choices benefit the business, often at the user's expense. This blog post will delve into dark patterns, how they're being used, and how to avoid them in your web...

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How to Market Your Instagram Account (for Business Owners)

Setting up an Instagram account for your small business is easy. Promoting it in a way that attracts customers and helps you to build an unknown, successful, and thriving brand is a bit harder. To show you how it’s done, here is our step-by-step business owners’ guide to marketing your Instagram account…

How to Promote a Small Business on Instagram

Instagram is actually a very friendly environment for small business owners who are dedicated to finding customers. This is because Instagram marketing is all about time, creativity, and branding. It doesn’t take big budgets, and a sense of authenticity or belief in your own business can take you a long way. With that in mind, let’s look at the basics of how you promote a small business on Instagram…

How to Promote Products on Instagram

If you have physical products to sell, here are some things you should keep in mind when promoting them through the world’s most popular image-based social app…

Why Use Instagram for Marketing?

Many entrepreneurs who use Instagram regularly overlook its potential in thinking of ways to attract new customers. That’s a mistake, and a potentially costly one. Whether you realize it or not, there are lots of ways to use Instagram to promote your products, build a brand, and stay on top of customer’s minds. Let’s look at a handful of reasons you need to be using this image-based social media service to grow your business…

How to Setup Google Analytics on Your Business Website

Would you like to have more information and insights from your website? Want to use real data, from actual buyers to optimize your campaigns and earn a higher return on investment? In either case, your first step should be to install Google Analytics on to your business website. Getting the app is easy, but there are a few tweaks you’ll have to make if you want it to be properly configured. Let’s look at a few settings that are particularly important to business owners and executives…

What Can You Do With Google Analytics?

Google Analytics a wonderful (and free) app that can help you to understand what’s happening on your website while discovering new online marketing opportunities. However, we often find new clients come to us without much understanding about the specifics that Google Analytics has to offer. With that in mind, today’s post is going to highlight seven key insights you can gain from learning the basics of the software. Here are some things you will be able to see right away…

How Google Analytics Works on Your Website

Most business owners and marketing professionals have heard of Google Analytics, and many who come to us have used it in the past. However, we’ve become accustomed to being asked lots of questions about how it works and what it’s actually used for. To help you understand why you need to be making the most of Google Analytics, let’s take a quick, step-by-step look at how you put it to use…

How Can Google Analytics Help Your Website?

Most of the business owners and executives we work with are already extraordinarily busy. Despite their best intentions, they may struggle to make time for a new routine or piece of software if they don’t see the value. That’s why we help them to understand the benefits of a good web statistics platform. In today’s post, we’re going to share some insights that help to answer the basic question: “what is Google Analytics used for?” Here’s what it can do…

Is Google Analytics Free?

One of the first pieces of advice we offer to new web design and online marketing clients is to start tracking visitors and studying statistics. That way they can know whether their campaigns are moving in the right direction. Often, they fully understand our suggestion, but have a follow-up question in mind: “is Google Analytics free?”

How to Use Facebook: A Guide for Startups

If you have a new business (or one that just needs a sales and marketing boost) and are wondering where you should begin with Facebook, here are some steps you can follow right away…

How Can I Use Facebook to Promote My Business?

Many new clients admit they’ve been interested in social media marketing and advertising, but haven’t gotten the results they’d hoped for in the past. One of the ways we help them is by understanding the best uses for their Facebook page and social media profiles. In other words, a better question than “how can I use Facebook to promote my business?” might be “what should I be promoting on my company’s Facebook page?” Let’s look at some of the best answers to that question…

3 Keys to Effective Facebook Marketing

A common question we hear from new and potential clients goes something like this: “how can I use Facebook for marketing?” There isn’t any one specific answer, of course, because Facebook is a huge platform with many different ways to meet and engage with buyers. However, years of experience with digital marketing, branding, and social media management have taught us that there are three keys to effective Facebook promotion that apply to virtually any situation…

Why Facebook is Good for Marketing

A lot of new clients come to us with the mistaken notion that Facebook is good for connecting with friends and family, but not necessarily for finding customers for a small or medium-sized business. My creative team and I couldn’t disagree more – once you know how...

How To Do Marketing on Facebook

For the average business owner or executive, Facebook offers up something of a conundrum. If you’re one of the millions who uses Facebook as a private individual but wants to start making more of the business opportunities that seem just out of reach, this is the article you need. Today we’re going to look at a few basics of how to do marketing on Facebook…

How to Brand a New Business

Often, entrepreneurs think of themselves as being at a huge disadvantage when it comes to branding and marketing. After all, the public already knows their competitors. Shouldn’t that make it harder to attract new sales? In our experience that isn’t always the case. Let’s look at what it takes to brand a new business…

Why is Branding Important?

In this post, we want to take a step back and answer a question that has come to us hundreds of times over the years: why is branding important? The short answer is that it gets to the heart and soul of your company and its profitability. For a little more color and detail, though, there are a few things you have to understand about the importance of building a strong brand…

What is a Branding Agency Really?

In some circles, the term “branding agency” has been thrown around far too loosely. While it’s true that virtually any design team can help you build elements of your brand, a true partner works in a way that is more focused and effective. We want to give you a sense of why this is, and the reason it’s so important to separate real branding agencies from all the other vendors out there.

How to Brand Your Company Effectively

When the public knows your brand and thinks good things about your company, it’s easier to sell directly, advertise new products and services, and recruit top talent. While these benefits are generally known and recognized, the best ways to realize them aren’t. In other words, decision-makers know they need good branding, but aren’t sure how to brand their companies effectively.

What is Branding in Marketing?

New clients sometimes come to us confused about the differences between branding and marketing. Many entrepreneurs and executives cover these topics at one point during business school, or have read articles about them, but aren’t exactly sure what they mean in relation to one another. In particular, they sometimes struggle to understand what branding means in the larger context of marketing.

Using Social Media To Find Bakery Customers

There are two types of people when it comes to local bakeries: those who have an established favorite in their mind, and the ones who seek out the shop they need when it’s time to celebrate a wedding, birthday, or office party. You can target both by using your social...

Using PPC Advertising To Find Landscaping Customers

Imagine what it would be like to be able to attract landscaping clients in your area, year round, without having to knock on doors, hand out flyers, or send out mailers. In fact, imagine what it would be like to have them come to you at the exact moment when they...

What Do Clients Expect To See On An Accountant’s Website?

For many of the accountants who are first referred to as, a website is something like a business card – a necessity, and a way to meet clients, but not something that needs to be flashy or outstanding. We understand that point of view, but we don’t agree with it. At...

How Roofing Companies Can Find Customers Online

As a rule of thumb, most roofing companies prefer to look for customers through flyers, yard signs, and door-to-door inspection offers. All of these can be valuable for generating quick sales. But, when it comes to long term profits, few marketing channels can stand...

How Plumbers Can Keep Online Leads Flowing In

Wouldn’t it be nice if you could turn on a faucet that poured fresh leads and appointments straight into your plumbing business? While there might not be a physical tool you can use to open such a valve, there is the immense power of online marketing that can be put...

5 Smart Facebook Marketing Tips For Dentists

In most cases, dentists will turn to Google, or even local guides like Yelp, when trying to market their services online. Many will overlook the power of Facebook completely. That’s understandable, but it also ignores the huge potential to attract new patients through...

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We create meaningful, innovative and user friendly websites that tell your story.