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Do You Know the Two Types of Google AdWords Search Terms?

Published: May 13, 2020

Home > Do You Know the Two Types of Google AdWords Search Terms?

If you’re new to advertising with Google AdWords, it might seem like any search term related to your industry is a good one to target. After all, don’t you want to raise awareness amongst potential customers?

That’s a popular point of view, but one that can lead to a lot of unnecessary spending and frustration. This is because when it comes to advertising on Google, there are really only two kinds of search terms. And generally speaking, only one of them is going to be profitable.

Let’s break this important idea down by starting with the search terms most marketers look to first…

High-Traffic Keywords and Search Terms

Marketers usually start with general, high-traffic keywords and phrases. These are the ones that go at the top of the sales funnel and are easiest to identify. They seem like good targets for your AdWords campaigns because they attract so much search volume.

The problem with these kinds of search phrases, though, is that they are very indiscriminate. For one thing, they don’t really tell you anything about the searcher except that they need more information. And for another, you’ll often find yourself competing directly against many different competitors if you try to target them. So, they end up being expensive while not leading to large numbers of conversions.

That brings us to the next category of keywords and search terms…

Google Search Phrases That Signal Buying Intent

While general keywords only indicate a desire for more information, specific and buying-focused search terms tell you a lot more about what’s going on in the searchers mind. For example, someone searching for “baseball” might be looking for pictures, statistics, tickets to a game, or any number of a dozen other things. Conversely, someone who Google’s “Philadelphia baseball tickets Saturday” is probably a more serious buyer.

This is a simple example, but it illustrates a bigger point that probably applies to your business. When you target general search terms they won’t necessarily lead to conversions, and it’s going to be hard to create landing pages that will appeal to a majority of your visitors. But, the more specific and focused you get, the easier it is to make assumptions about your buyer, give them what they want, and get them to take the next step.

Finally, as we’ve already noted before, it’s usually less expensive to target more selective and specific search terms on Google. That’s particularly true if you are restricting your ads by geography and other constraints.

Knowing that there are two types of search terms you can focus your attention on, ask yourself an important question: are you devoting your time and money to the parts of your Google AdWords campaign where it’s going to have the biggest benefit?

Want to Turn Your AdWords Campaigns Into Real Leads and Sales?

It’s hard to get sales opportunities from Google if you aren’t following a focused and proven approach. Unfortunately, most business owners are simply experimenting with online ads rather than doing their best to raise revenue.

If you want to increase the odds that your pay-per-click activities are going to be profitable and efficient, start by working with a team of experts. Biondo Creative will get to know your business and help you devise a strategy that makes sense for your budget, challenges, and goals. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and see how we can help.