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Why Plumbers, Electricians, And Other Trade Businesses Need PPC Advertising

Published: May 21, 2019

Home > Why Plumbers, Electricians, And Other Trade Businesses Need PPC Advertising

You could be forgiven if you’ve never considered pay-per-click advertising (PPC) as being the best way to grow your plumbing or electrical business. Most of the tradesmen and business owners we work with are so focused on setting appointments and trying to gather referrals that they never really consider the power of the internet as a lead generation tool.

However, it turns out that PPC ads (especially those run by Google) can be a powerful sales tool for your company. In fact, we would go so far as to suggest that every plumber, electrician, or tradesman needs to have some kind of internet advertising strategy in place. Here are a few concrete reasons why…

Your Customers Have Urgent Needs

More often than not, by the time a customer goes looking for a plumber or electrician it’s because they need one right now. Using PPC ads, you can ensure they find your business at the exact moment they have a demand for your services. That kind of instant awareness can be more valuable than all the branding, reputation, and referrals in the world when it matters most.

The Competition is Just a Click Away

If you aren’t swayed by the idea of appealing to customers at their moment of need, then consider the other side of the coin: if someone who has an urgent need to contact a plumber or electrician isn’t seeing your ad, then they might be seeing one for your closest competitor. Why lose out on that business when it’s right there in front of you?

You Can Change Your Ad Strategy in an Instant

One thing we hear pretty often from electricians and plumbers is that they would like to try search engine advertising but are afraid of losing money. That’s the beauty of PPC – no matter how successful your ads are or aren’t, you can change them, revise them, or even turn them off at a moment’s notice. So, your campaigns keep rolling forward only if you feel like they are paying for themselves.

Your Ads Can Turn Into Instant Revenue

It’s not unusual for a plumber or electrician – even one skeptical about using online advertising – to start seeing immediate returns from the work we do from them. At a lot of businesses it can take a while for PPC campaigns to pay off. When you have a service customers tend to need desperately, though, there’s a good chance you’ll see immediate gains in revenue from an efficient advertising strategy.

Want to Put a Smart and Affordable Ad Strategy in Place?

It’s one thing to know you could use PPC advertising to boost your business and another thing to put all the different pieces together into a campaign that actually brings in more money than it costs. That’s where the marketing experts at Biondo Creative in Philadelphia come in. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for your services company to help you find more and better customers.