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How to Fix a Failing Digital Marketing Plan

Published: August 09, 2017

Home > How to Fix a Failing Digital Marketing Plan

Internet marketing can seem fun and straightforward when it’s working. But when things aren’t going your way, it’s easy to find yourself spending more and more time and money on a losing cause without being able to figure out what’s wrong.

That’s an incredibly frustrating place to be. I know, because I meet with business owners every week who feel like they have painted themselves into a corner and don’t know how to get out. If that describes your situation, then I would advise you to set a time when we can talk about the specific challenges you’re facing. In the meantime, though, here are a handful of tips you can use to fix a failing Internet marketing plan…

Start With the Obvious

If you have obvious problems with your website that you’ve been overlooking for some time, you should begin by fixing those. Broken links, missing pages, and copied content are just a few of the issues I come across every week. If your website is suffering from any of them, that may be the reason you aren’t getting better results from your campaigns.

Evaluate Each Segment

Assuming you’ve taken care of any big picture errors with your website, start to evaluate different segments of your plan individually. Are the efforts you’re taking for search engine optimization bearing fruit? Are customers coming to you through social media? How is the efficiency of your pay-pricing click campaigns? Just as important as finding the results of each is figuring out whether they are working together in a cohesive way. Collectively, they should all be aimed at bringing you traffic from the right kinds of visitors and converting them into leads or buyers.

Set a New Goal

When you know what is and isn’t working with your website and Internet marketing campaigns, it’s time to set some new goals going forward. They should be concrete, measurable, and time-specific. Otherwise, it will be difficult to know whether you’re on track to meet them later. I’ve seen again and again that firm goals help business owners to figure out where they should direct their time and resources. Figure out what you want to see happen, and then work on making it a reality.

Find the Right Creative Partner

A big reason small business owners struggle with Internet marketing is that it can be overwhelming to manage all the details. Plus, they may not have someone with industry expertise and an outside perspective who can turn their bottom-line goals into actionable plans. All of that gets much easier when you choose the right creative team. That’s not just a group of professionals with the right technical specifications, but one that is willing to get to know your business and put your interests first.

Often, getting better results from your website and social media profiles is just a matter of re-adjusting your thinking and starting fresh. If you’re ready to leave your mistakes behind and start generating a positive ROI from your online activities, I encourage you to call my team today and let us show you what we can do to help!