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How to Write PPC Ads That Work

Published: February 27, 2018
How to Write PPC Ads That Work

Home > How to Write PPC Ads That Work

Lots of business owners struggle to write effective PPC ads. Many of them don’t enjoy writing in the first place, and the pressure of squeezing their sales message down into a few characters that will only be viewed briefly can feel like an overwhelming challenge.

If you can follow a handful of simple rules, though, you absolutely can write PPC ads that end up being profitable and effective over time. You just need the right starting point and some simple tips to keep in mind. Today, I’m going to share with you my process for strong search advertising. Here’s how I write PPC ads that work again and again…

Consider the Audience For Your PPC Ads

Before you write a single word, you should consider the target audience for your ads. Who do you really want to reach? What does that person look like, and what do they care about? The more identifying traits you can come up with when identifying your perfect customer, the easier it’s going to be to create the kind of ad he or she might be tempted to click on.

Identify the Main Benefit of Your Offering

In the same way that you have to know your buyers, you also need to have a good idea of what your business is all about and what it is you have to offer to those customers. Why should they work with you instead of someone else? Try to pick out the one benefit that matters most, since that’s the one that should be front-and-center within your PPC ads.

Integrate the Keyword or Search Phrase You Are Targeting

Whenever possible, you should have the search phrase or keyword you are targeting used twice within your PPC at – first in the headline, and then again in the body text. That will help your ads stand out to searchers and could drastically improve your click-through rates. Plus, it will reinforce the notion that you have what your buyers are looking for.

Include a Simple Call to Action

Here is a simple but effective trick fortune 500 marketers use all the time: end your PPC ad with a quick call to action. Invite searchers to “visit this website,” or “download an FAQ guide.” It’s simple psychology. When you ask a prospect to do something directly, they are more likely to take notice and follow through on the requested action.

Test Your Ads Again and Again

No matter how well your PPC ads are performing, you should always test new language, keywords, and variations to see whether bigger returns are possible. Experiment with one new version per month, for instance, and you may discover that all of your campaigns get to be more profitable over time.

When you write PPC ads, you should think of it as both an art and a science. Certainly, there is a creative aspect that can be overlooked. However, if you can stick to the quick rules and steps I have outlined here, you’ll always end up with an effective piece of sales messaging that customers will understand and respond to.

If you’re looking for expert help putting your PPC campaigns together, I encourage you to contact Biondo Creative today to see how we can help!