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Bing Ads Gets Guided Tour

Published: December 18, 2015

Home > Bing Ads Gets Guided Tour

We frequently hear from advertisers that it would be great to just have someone to walk you through key tasks like how to create a remarketing list, keyword, automated rule, or target. Today Bing Ad’s announced step-by-step assistants called Guided Tours have now launched in the web interface.

What is Bing Ads?  
Wikipedia says, “Bing Ads (formerly Microsoft adCenter and MSN adCenter) is a service that provides pay per click advertising on both the Bing and Yahoo! search engines. As of the fourth quarter 2013, Bing Ads has 15.6% market share in the United States.”

How is Google Adwords and Bing Ads similar?
Similar to Google AdWords, Bing Ads uses both the maximum amount an advertiser is willing to pay per click (PPC) on their ad and the advertisement’s click-through rate (CTR) to determine how frequently an advertisement is shown. This system encourages advertisers to write effective ads and to advertise only on searches which are relevant to their advertisement.

Check out the first four Guided Tours:

  • Remarketing Tour: Create a remarketing list
  • Keyword Tour: Add and edit keywords
  • Campaign Settings Tour: Learn how to set your budget, targeting, ad scheduling, and exclusions.
  • Automate Rules Tour: Create and manage rules that run based on criteria you define.

How to find the Guided Tours
Want to get started?  Read more about the Guided Tours in Bing Ads.

Need help with search marketing?  We can help!
If you don’t have the time to invest in learning Bing Ads and Google AdWords or you are just looking to hire an expert in the field, you can contact us and learn all of the ways our certified Google Adwords specialists can help you promote your website.