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Why Smaller Web Design Companies Offer Bigger Value

Published: October 11, 2017

Home > Why Smaller Web Design Companies Offer Bigger Value

Although they rarely ask me things like this directly, I occasionally meet with new clients who hint about wondering whether they could get a better deal on web design from a huge advertising agency.

I can understand why they would ask. For one thing, we all want to make the most from our limited budgets and resources. And for another, there certainly are parts of life where you can get a discount from working with a big business. Just look at all the major retailers regularly offer big sales for shoppers. Wouldn’t it be great to get a special rate on your new website?

Unfortunately, that’s not usually the way things work. When it comes to web design and creative services, you’re almost always going to get a better deal by working with a solo designer or a smaller team. To understand why, here are a few things you have to remember…

Smaller Web Design Companies Have Less Overhead

The big creative agencies all have large offices, multiple layers of support and administrative personnel, and endless amenities (like fancy coffee and well-appointed waiting rooms). Unfortunately, all of those perks come with an expense. Every quote or invoice you receive has those extras built-in, and they won’t do you any good after your website has been launched.

Smaller web design companies run a little bit leaner and meaner. We can get the job done without charging you for anything you don’t need.

Bigger Business are More Profit-Driven

The bigger the business gets, the more people there are who have an interest in making money from it. A large firm might have several owners or executives, a handful of shareholders, and/or multiple bankers who are all looking for interest and dividends. That means there is pressure on the sales team (don’t forget about them) to bring in more clients at higher rates.

A small web design company like mine certainly has to be profitable, but we have more incentives to find the perfect client fit rather than worrying about “hitting the numbers” month after month.

You’ll Get Better Service From a Smaller Agency

Probably the biggest and most overlooked benefit of working with a smaller web design firm is that you are always going to be an important client. You won’t be pushed off to a junior designer, or have your web design project sit for months, because each and every new job is a pressing priority. Additionally, your feedback and support means more than it would at a bigger firm.

For those reasons, it’s important for small web design companies like mine to focus on clients and be responsive to their needs. We aren’t big enough to afford any slip-ups, so personal, one-on-one service is a must.

Add these three points together, and it’s easy to see why smaller web design companies tend to offer lower prices and more overall value. That’s not to say that a big agency can’t do a great job – many of them have very talented designers on staff. It’s just that you’re going to pay more and be treated like one client out of dozens, rather than being the focus of anyone’s work.

Want to learn more about the best ways to get a great website on a tight budget? Call Biondo Creative today and let’s schedule a time to talk!